Abstract Publications

Abstract Publications

International Journal of Gynecological Cancer (IJGC) Publication

IJGC Publication

All accepted abstracts of registered abstract presenters will be published in the International Journal of Gynecological Cancer (IJGC). Please note the below important items:

  • Only abstracts of presenting authors who have finalized their registration for the IGCS 2023 Meeting as of August 31, 2023, will be included in the Journal.
    • This concerns abstracts and/or surgical films submitted during the regular abstract submission period with a deadline of May 8, 2023.
    • Presenters of only late-breaking and/or trial-in-progress abstracts will be contacted separately via their acceptance notifications.
    • Please review the Abstract Submission Guidelines for detailed timelines regarding abstract submission.
  • Abstracts of presenting authors who have not completed their registration by August 31, 2023, are removed from the IGCS 2023 scientific program.
    • It is the initially assigned presenting author’s responsibility to notify the meeting organizers by August 31, 2023, in case they are unable to register and would like to change the presenter to another registered co-author from the author block. Registration records are checked only against the assigned presenting author details.
  • Any changes past August 31, 2023, will not be reflected in the Journal publication.

Digital Abstract Publication via the IGCS 2023 Website

Regular Abstract Submission

Seminal & Late-Breaking Abstracts

E-books with abstracts accepted to the IGCS 2023 scientific program are published on this page following the below schedule.

  • October 17, 2023: Abstracts accepted into the IGCS 2023 scientific program for the below presentation categories:
    • Oral Abstract Presentations (Plenary Sessions) – Regular Submission 
    • Short Oral Abstract Presentations (Focused Plenary Sessions) – Regular Submission
    • Early Career Abstract Presentations
    • Featured Printed Poster Presentations (Poster Rounds with the Professors)
    • ePoster Presentations
    • ePoster Presentations – Trials in Progress
    • Featured Surgical Film Presentations
    • On-Demand Surgical Film Presentations
  • November 1, 2023: Seminal abstracts
  • November 5-7, 2023: Late-breaking abstracts accepted for oral or short oral presentations*
    *Late-breaking abstract embargo is released on the day of the oral presentation. 


*Please note that only abstracts of presenting authors registered for the IGCS 2023 Meeting by August 31, 2023 are included in the IGCS 2023 scientific program. If you are a presenting author and have completed your registration after August 31, please contact the meeting organizers to confirm your participation status.
**Any changes to abstracts after the above key dates will not be included in the Abstract E-Books.
***For the IGCS 2023 abstract embargo release policy, please click here.